David Manufacturing Company
Count on DMC for product reliability and customer satisfaction
DMC, a division of GSI Group, has been making high quality, economical grain handling and in-bin grain drying and conditioning equipment for nearly 50 years. With an emphasis on product reliability and customer satisfaction, the DMC brand is one that the agricultural industry has come to trust. Most DMC products sold today have undergone few changes to their initial design, simply due to their proven reliability over the years.
Farm Grain Drying, Conditioning and Material Handling
Grain Management
The best grain management system from DMC features, Calc-U-Dri, Stir-Ator, and Grain Flow. These components convert a drying bin into the ultimate automatic in-bin continuous flow drying system.
DMC Difference
DMC makes reliability and durability job one. DMC Stir-Ators are no exception with units still aerating bins after more than 40 years. It’s a commitment to durable construction and dependable operation that make the DMC difference.
Grain Spreaders
Grain spreaders improve your grain drying and storage by gently spreading grain evenly throughout the bin area. DMC manufacturers several types of grain spreaders to accommodate the need.
Air Trans-Fer
DMC offers a wide range of options that will handle the requirements of most operations. The Trans-Fer system will supply the necessary capacity to keep up with today’s harvesting equipment, minimizing grain damage while retaining the same high quality of grain harvested.